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Script Stable

Script Stable: Home to UK Screenwriters.

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

Welcome to the Script Stable Articles!

Well hello there. If you're not a screenwriter (or an aspiring screenwriter) you must be lost...? But for those of you with a burning desire to write; welcome to the stable.

Welcome to the STABLE Party, Pal.

The Script Stable Mission

As well as offering script coverage and consulting services, one of our core missions at Script Stable is to offer as much value, help and advice to screenwriters at all levels. No catches, no strings. We understand just how brutal the industry can be and how closed off it can seem, especially to new and emerging talent.

So as well as creating courses and educational material, we of course have some FREEBIES for you, including Script Stable's 7 Tips for Becoming a Screenwriter and our 30 Day Challenge. The News Page and this blog is where we'll plonk most of our resources for you... just so's you know.

Something For Everyone

We want you to get the most of Script Stable and are committed to helping you on your screenwriting journey. So whether you're looking to enter script writing competitions but not sure which ones to submit to (boy, do we have the article for you here) or if you're looking for an agent but don't have the foggiest how to go about it = we got you.

Stay Informed

We'll be adding new topics, resources and advice in our articles each month, so be sure to keep popping by for industry insights and handy tips.

Alternatively you can sign up to our mailing list so you never miss the wise ol' words from Script Stable. You do you. SUBSCRIBE

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