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Script Stable

Want $10,000 To Make a Short Film?

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Do you want $10,000? Of course you do!

Dollars? Surely we want £££? Don't sweat it, us Brits are eligible for this fund.

Making a short film, either as a stand-alone story OR with the intention to develop the story into longer form is one of the best ways to get your work showcased to the right people.

Trouble is, it's not cheap. Not everyone has the security of the family bank account (sounds lovely though doesn't it) and not everyone has savings to fall back on. Whilst it's totally possible to make a short film on a shoestring budget, ultimately; money makes the world go round. Even if you get a team together to make a short film who are happy to do it for free, you still need to feed them, cover travel costs, get props and costumes, hire equipment and get insurance. All of that adds up. Suddenly making a film for free ends up meaning making a film for £1000.

This is exactly why we wanted to feature the Shore Script's Competition. Script Stable has no affiliation with Shore Scripts, this is purely a recommendation from us because we whole-heartedly rate them as a company. We think they're ace.

So what's the low down?

If you enter Shore Script's Short Film Fund you could win $10,000 to make your short film. 2nd place gets $5000. The prize includes other lifelines like mentorship and free equipment hire. Believe us when we say, that is an amazing opportunity.

There really isn't an abundance of script competitions that provide short film funding as a prize, so this is one we fully recommend entering. Previous winners have gone on to leveling up in the industry and landing big jobs because of the backing of Shore Scripts.

When entering comps, you need to consider a few things.

  • Is it a trusted company that actually know what they're doing? (and not just a money grabbing scheme)

  • What is the prize vs what's the entry fee?

  • Is the laurel (and backing from the company) going to enhance your CV and help you to network with the right people? IE agents and producers.

The Shore Script Shorts Fund ticks those boxes.

They have two entries each year, so you should definitely check in regularly but their Autumn fund opens today... So what are you waiting for?

Having two annual submissions gives you plenty of time to polish your draft or even write something from scratch. In fact, having a deadline for a competition to enter can be a great motivator to get your scripts written, so it can be a win win... and we hope it's a win for you!

For more information or to enter, please go to:

If you're new to competitions and are interested, we also have a blog on trusted Screenwriting Competitions to enter here

Happy Writing/Reading/Rewriting/Entering!

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