Recommended by Script Stable - The Trusted Home for UK Screenwriters.
Researching these things can be arduous and confusing at the best of times. That's why we've collected the upcoming dates from 2023 Screenplay Competitions that we rate and trust, so you can focus on what matters; your writing!
If you’ve read our FREE ebook ‘How to Get an Agent’ or our blog ‘7 Tips for Becoming a Screenwriter’ Blog, then you’ll already know that we are very pro-script competitions.
Winning a screenplay competition can put you on the map as a screenwriter. Whether you're just starting out or a wearied semi-pro, having the nod of approval from industry respected competitions can lead to agents, managers, production meetings and most importantly: work. But it can be hard to know which ones to trust as there are LOTS of screenplay competitions out there! There are way too many companies out there running on hyperbole, ready and waiting to take your money and give you nothing in return… obviously, we want you to avoid those ones.
So, let's get entering the tried and tested Script Competitions:
Competitions, dates and deadlines below
(Alphabetical Order)
Academy Nicholl Fellowship (aka The Oscars)
Feature films
Regular deadline: 2nd of April - $65
Late deadline: 2nd of May - $90
Austin Film Festival
Feature Screenplay Early Bird Deadline: March 23 Regular Deadline: April 18 Late Deadline: May 25
Short Screenplay & Teleplay Early Bird Deadline: March 23 Regular Deadline: April 18 Late Deadline: May 25
Bafta - Rocliffe
TV Comedy Returns in 2024.
Film Returns in 2024.
Children, Family & YA Media Supported by The London Book Fair
Applications open on Monday 9 January, 2023 at 12 noon.
Bursary applications close on Wednesday 15 February, 2023 at 5pm.
Closing date is Monday 27 February, 2023 at 5pm.
TV Drama
Applications open in July 2023.
BBC Comedy Collective
Applications will open on Monday 9 January 2023 and close on Monday 30 January 2023 at 5pm.
BBC - Writersroom
Drama & Comedy TV Scripts
Opening/Submission dates TBC: ‘Open again in late 2023’.
BlueCat Screenplay
Screenplays $95
Rolling Deadline, likely to open June 2023
Final Draft
Currently closed but likely to open April 2023 $49+
Finish Line
February 15, 2023
$45 Submission (script entry only - includes free resubmission)
$118 Comprehensive Feedback (6+pages). Cost includes script entry & notes & free re-submission of drafts.
$118 all subsequent sets of feedback purchased after first set of notes
There is a charge of $1.00 for every page over 120 - feedback only. Email us for payment options.
Regular deadline: 13th April - $50
Latecomers deadline: 20th June - $60
The Golden Script Competition
Shorts, Pilots, Features $54.99
Final deadline- 31st of March
Page Awards
Screenplays and Teleplays
Early Deadline 10th Jan £47
Late deadline: 10th of March $67
Save The Cat
Extended deadline: 27th of March
Rolling deadlines for different genres
Screenplays and Shorts
Deadline: 6th March $65
TV Scripts
Final deadline: 12th of March - $59
Final deadline: 23rd of July - $59
Script Lab
Final Deadline 28th Feb
Free to enter this year
Script Pipeline
Early: March 1st, 2023 - $55
Regular: May 1st 2023 - £60
Late: May 15th 2023 - £65
Shore Scripts
Early bird: June
Final: 31st of August
TV Pilot
Early bird: April
Final: 30th June
TBC Likely to be July
UK Film Festival
Feature Scripts
Final deadline: 28th February £45
The Black List
Screenplay showcase
Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
Film Freeway
Search engine for film festivals and screenwriting contests
Film Independent
Fiscal sponsorship, Grants
Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
2022 Development Track
Application Opens: April
Additional Advice:
If you're planning on submitting, please always check the actual links to each competition, as sometimes deadlines/goal posts/fees can change.
Always read the T&C’s. Try and enter at least a week before the final deadline, that way if you have a technical issue, you’ll be able to sort it before the competition closes.
Most competitions need entrants to be 18+ and also from eligible countries. The Rules and Guidelines will vary, so please read them before entering any scheme or competition.
Don't worry if you've missed a deadline for this year, make a note of the competition and come back to it next year. There are plenty of brilliant options with career changing prizes and exposure – so shop around.
Tell us in the comments what competitions you're planning on entering this year. Any competitions you rate that you think we've missed on this list? Let us know.