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7 Common Mistakes That Screenwriters Make

In this article, we will discuss the seven biggest mistakes screenwriters make in their screenplays.

As you've probably gathered by now, screenwriting is a challenging and competitive field, and even the most experienced screenwriters can make mistakes in their scripts. These mistakes can hinder the success of a screenplay, making it difficult to sell, produce or even be taken seriously.

There are many reasons for mistakes being made, from rushing a draft, sending it out without proof-reading, to simply being a beginner and not knowing enough. But if you're serious about getting your work seen by industry folk, you better make sure you've covered everything before sending it out to agents, producers and industry big shots.

So let's get into it...


One of the biggest mistakes screenwriters make is not following a clear structure in their screenplay. A screenplay should have a well-defined beginning, middle, and end. The first act should introduce the characters, setting, and conflict. The second act should develop the conflict and create tension. The third act should resolve the conflict and bring the story to a satisfying conclusion. A lack of structure can result in a confusing or unsatisfying story that fails to engage the audience.

SCREENWRITING MISTAKE TWO: Weak Character Development

Another common mistake is weak character development. Characters should be fully fleshed out, with clear motivations, flaws, and personalities. They should have unique voices and behave in ways that are consistent with their traits. Without strong characters, the audience will struggle to care about the story or the stakes.

SCREENWRITING MISTAKE THREE: Over-reliance on Exposition

Exposition is information that is necessary for the audience to understand the story, but it should be delivered in a way that feels organic and doesn't detract from the story's flow. Over-reliance on exposition, where characters speak in long monologues, can make the story feel slow and dull. Instead, exposition should be delivered in a way that feels natural and doesn't feel like an info dump.


Conflict is what drives a story forward and creates tension for the audience. Without conflict, the story can feel flat and unengaging. Screenwriters should ensure that there is enough conflict in their story to keep the audience interested. A sub-mistake of this is that many writers confuse conflict with fighting. Whilst conflict can be shown as a fight, it's often more subtle. Think two people wanting different things and forced to compromise. Think inner conflict or wanting to express an undying love. Think overcompensating for guilt. Conflict comes in all shapes and sizes.


Dialogue is an essential element of any screenplay, but too much dialogue can be overwhelming. Screenwriters should aim to strike a balance between dialogue and action, making sure that each serves the story's purpose. Too much dialogue can also be a sign of weak visual storytelling, where the screenwriter relies on dialogue to convey information instead of using the visual medium. This isn't a play, it's a SCREENplay.

SCREENWRITING MISTAKE SIX: Lack of Visual Storytelling

Visual storytelling is the use of images and actions to convey information instead of relying on dialogue. It's an essential element of screenwriting, and a lack of visual storytelling can make the screenplay feel boring and unengaging. Screenwriters should aim to use visual storytelling to convey information whenever possible, creating a more dynamic and engaging story.


A lack of originality can be a fatal mistake in screenwriting. In a crowded market, audiences are looking for fresh and unique stories that stand out from the rest. Screenwriters should aim to create stories that are both compelling and original, pushing boundaries and exploring new ideas.

These are the seven biggest mistakes screenwriters make in their screenplays but they are by no means the only mistakes!

By avoiding these seven mistakes however and honing your craft, you can create engaging, original stories that capture the imagination of audiences and stand the test of time. Review your screenplay with these mistakes in mind and you'll vastly improve your next draft.

Don't be like Gob...



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